My wife

So this past week, I have been thinking a lot about why my wife is great.  Here are just a few of the many reasons I am so blessed.

  1. She buys me coffee creamer.  No big deal to some, but I don't really need it.  She buys it because she knows the special holiday creamers I enjoy a lot.  So she makes a point of buying them.  So good.
  2. She likes college football almost as much as I do.  I mean how many other wives remind their husbands that it is almost time for Game Day and throughout the week look for the channels that the games are coming on.  Love it.
  3. She pushes me.  Not literally (well sometimes...).  She doesn't let me make excuses or give less than my best.  I need that.
  4. She aggressively cuts coupons.  I am talking takes an entire morning to search blogs, websites, and newspapers to save money.  And then she gets things for free or for 19 cents.  What?  How ridiculously cool is that?
  5. She stays home with our boys.  All day every day.  I had all three of them the other night for a couple of hours and I stand in awe.  I mean I love them but when all three are going nuts, I don't know how she does it.  Seriously.  Its a special gift of grace.
  6. She wants our family to be Christ centered.  For example, she found this awesome activity for our family to do this Christmas called a Jesse Tree.  You can check it out here.
  7. She supports, encourages and sacrifices so that I can do what God has called me to do.  I would never be able to do all that I have done without her love and support.  She is my perfect helpmate and I am grateful for this gift.
These aren't the only reasons but they are the ones that have been swirling in my head this past week.  I know there will be more to come!

An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life.  Proverbs 31:10-12

Posted by Jack | at 10:58 AM