When Tozer met my sermon

This Wednesday, I spoke on the importance of living an unwasted life.  The idea is not new to me, it is as recent as John Piper's Don't Waste Your Life and as foundational as the Scripture.  This morning while reading I came across a quote that reinforced so much of what I have been feeling.

"The cross of Jesus Christ always changes men's plans.  The cross of Christ is revolutionary, and if we are not ready to let it be revolutionary in us nor let it cost us anything or control us in any way, we are not going to like a church that takes the things of God seriously.  People want the benefits of the cross but they don't want to be under the Lordship of Christ."  A.W. Tozer, When He is Come, page 19.

Join the Pursuit and let the revolutionary cross keep you from wasting it all!

Posted by Jack | at 8:38 AM