I have a pet peeve. I deeply dislike church signs. I know, I know. I can hear the collective gasps now. I am a pastor. I should love the slimy little cliches that people love to put out on the front lawn of the church which in theory will save people and bring them in by the droves. Instead they make me angry. And some make me weep.
I really want to rant on about this, but I think I will stop. I think everyone should read this post by a theologian and pastor I greatly respect. It says a lot of what I have been thinking for years.
Posted by Jack
10:32 AM
God always has an amazing way to bring things together in life and in His word (it's like He is sovereign or something!). Last night our church celebrated what God is doing though us in the area of missions. We shared about our recent World Changers trip to Tallahassee, talked live with three summer missionaries from our student ministry, and prayed specifically for a student on a trip in North Africa and our team who will be heading to Ethiopia in November. It was a time of great joy for me personally and for many others in our congregation.
This morning in my Bible reading schedule, I came to 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20, which reads:
For what is our hope or joy or crown of boasting before our Lord Jesus at his coming? Is it not you? For you are our glory and joy.
Paul's message to the Thessalonian church was that their faithful living of the Gospel gave him great hope (Colossians 1:27), joy (Philippians 4:1), and a crown of boasting (2 Thessalonians 1:4). All three of these are based solely upon the work of Christ in and for these believers. That work was being shown in the way they lived their lives.Last night and this morning, I realized that I too have hope, joy, and a crown of boasting before the Lord at His coming. My prayer is that this will just be the beginning of what God is doing through us for the great glory of His name.
Posted by Jack
9:25 AM